
showcase your dogs natural scenting instincts.

Golden Retrievers excel at tracking, earning titles like Tracking Champion, Tracking Dog of the Year, and Track and Search Dog of the Year. This activity is both rewarding and fun for your dog. Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, estimated to be hundreds to a million times stronger than humans’, thanks to a brain region dedicated to olfaction and highly sensitive scent receptors. They use this ability in search and rescue, disaster recovery, detecting drugs, explosives, and landmines.

Tracking involves following a human scent trail to find a missing person. While all dogs have the natural ability to track, some are more skilled than others. Handlers support this ability by trusting their dog’s instincts, with the motto “trust your dog” guiding the process. Understanding the environment and conditions is key to successful tracking. This activity strengthens your bond with your dog and showcases their natural talents.